Category Archives: Suffering

Two Interviews from the Augustine Institute

Recently, I was interviewed by the Augustine Institute about my two new books. We got to record these interviews in the studios here at the A.I. and both of them have been produced as YouTube videos for you. I hope you enjoy them.

In the first video, I was interviewed by my colleague, Dr. Michael Patrick Barber, regarding my commentary on the Wisdom of Solomon:

In the second video, I was interviewed by our Admissions Counselor, Anna Wessel:

Two Interviews: Suffering Video and Wisdom Radio

Last week, I got to speak with Bob Krebs on “Catholic Forum” out of the Diocese of Wilmington about my book on Suffering. It aired on Relevant Radio and Bob recorded it as video and put it on YouTube for you:

Yesterday morning, I appeared on Spirit Mornings Catholic Radio out of Omaha with my friends Bruce and Jen. We got to talk about the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture series and my new volume on Wisdom of Solomon. It was early and it was a fun conversation. Check it out:

Two Radio Interviews on Suffering

Last week, I was interviewed on the Catholic Answers Focus podcast by Cy Kellett. They published both the transcript and the audio: 

We got into the philosophical deep end a bit. Here’s a challenging prompt he gave me:

Cy Kellett:
I appreciate that very much, but you appreciate, I know from the book that for many people, the personal crisis of their own suffering is intense in a way that almost seems to dispose them against theological or philosophical answers. They need something else. So how do you find that? Where’s the sweet spot for making a personal response to individual suffering and putting all of that in the theological context?

Also, I appeared on Treasures of Faith with Michael Gisondi on Divine Mercy Radio WDMC920. Here’s a link:

New Interviews on Suffering

I appeared on the Busted Halo show – the longing-running slightly funny show that broadcasts on SiriusXM satellite radio. They posted a video version of the interview:

Also, yesterday, I came back on the Kresta in the Afternoon radio show hosted by Marcus Peter. Here’s the link to the segment:


Two Written Interviews on Suffering

Aleteia published an interview with me earlier this week. Here’s an excerpt:

Suffering is part of everyone’s life. It comes in all shades and varieties: illness, disability, pain, loss, depression …
Every news website today is replete with people’s suffering from around the world. Some regions of the world seem to have an unfair burden of suffering.
But most of the suffering that people endure is much less dramatic, and might not even be thought of as suffering: relatively small annoyances that stem from the rudeness of neighbors, the impatience of our own temperament, or simply the ups and downs of daily life.
Catholic spirituality has a lot to offer on not only the reasons for suffering but the ways in which we can fruitfully respond to it. (Link: )

And Catholic World Report published another. An excerpt:

   All of us suffer. We live in a fallen world, and suffering is simply a part of life. This suffering can take many forms, and we are all affected differently by it.
But why do we suffer at all? How are we to understand suffering? Is there any purpose to it? And what are we to do with the suffering we face? (Link:

Interviews on Wisdom of Solomon and Suffering

On Thursday, March 21, I appeared on the Kresta in the Afternoon radio show with guest host Marcus Peter. We talked about the Wisdom of Solomon and my commentary on it. You can find the show linked here:

Or you can direct download the mp3 here:

I appear in the second half of the program.


The same day, I also appeared on Meet the Author with Ken Huck, talking about my book Suffering: What Every Catholic Should Know. We had a wide-ranging conversation about the meaning of suffering and how to cope with it as a Catholic Christian.

Interview on Suffering with Church Life Today Podcast

I was recently interviewed by Leonard DeLorenzo on the Church Life Today Podcast regarding my new book on Suffering.

This is a summary of our conversation from their site:

Suffering is universal. But how do we understand suffering? Does it have meaning? Can it have meaning? And most of all, what is the meaning of suffering in Christian life? Questions like these inform the work of my guest today, Dr. Mark Giszczak, author of the new book Suffering: What Every Catholic Should Know. Dr. Giszczak is Professor of Sacred Scripture at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology, where he teaches a course on the Theology of Suffering that gave rise to this new book. In our discussion today we will talk about whether and how God suffers, how Christians might suffer well, obstacles to suffering well, and the importance of confronting rather than perpetually running from death.

Here’s the link to the episode: